About Golem Game Blog

About GOLEM Game blog 

The goal is to make a platform adventure game with Golem theme for mobile phones and PC. In this blog I will post images, documentation, research material, runnable prototypes, animations, sounds, and other sources of inspiration. It is written in GML and C# and the tools are cheap or free DIY-developing tools such as GameMaker, Anime studio, Audacity, Gimp and Garage band for iPhone. Games that have inspired me to this are among others Braid, Super Meat Boy and Limbo for Xbox and Another world and Sword & Sorcery for iPhone.

What attracts me with the Golem figure, besides the obvious - Golem is made of clay and I'm a clay artist, is the exlusion , his touching tries to find a context for himself, to get accepted and his desire to fit in the society.

"The word golem occurs once in the Bible in Psalm 139:16, which uses the word גלמי, meaning " my unshaped form. In modern hebrew golem is used to mean "dumb" or "helpless". Similarly, it is often used today as a metaphor for a brainless lunk or entity who serves man under controlled conditions but is hostile to him and others. "Golem" passed into as goylem to mean someone who is clumsy or slow. " Wikipedia

He's unshaped, a misfit, ugly and repulsive, clumsy and horryfying. He is different. In my game there will be several paths the player can follow to achieve Golems respect and/or esteem. He can choose to go down the evil path, spreading fear, killing and looting which will result in hatred and horror. He can ally with the feudal bad guys, assisting the tyrant and achieve power to control the people, or on the other hand ally with the people against the tyrant, kill the dragon and be the beloved hero. He can also be the artist, the odd fellow, respected for his creativity but never really incorporated fully in the society.
All the archetypal characters of a good adventure will populize my game. The tyrant, the hero, the traitor, the princess, the maid and the dragon. I will follow elemental steps to make a good story and seduce the player to feel with Golem. Vengeance him violently when he has been treated unfair. Feel the satistfaction when the people hail their hero. Feel the attraction if he succeeds in undressing the princess. My game will be romantic, exciting and beautiful but also ugly, messy and scaring.

Linus Ersson